Best Buy Cisco

Wireless providers SiBEAM received a $ 36.5 million Series D round of funding, on Tuesday. Retailer Best Buy and Cisco technology has also joined, while two additional actions in the promotion of technology.

All original investors contributed SiBEAM, this cycle, including U. S. Venture Partners (USVP) and New Enterprise Associates (NEA) and the new partner Lux working capital and Hatteras. Best Buy, and has contributed to Cisco “strategic investments”. Samsung and Panasonic have helped finance in 2008.

The participation of Best Buy, the company is the second; SiBEAM announced a relationship with the giant retailer in January at the Consumer Electronics Show. She showed off technology SiBEAM with Vizio, Toshiba and Panasonic.SiBEAM 60GHz chipsets are designed to replace an HDMI cable and other wireless cable high speed.

The company unveiled its technology in 2007.SiBEAM is a consortium of WirelessHD. Best Buy house brand Rocketfish revealed an adapter WirelessHD in November last year, despite its modest cost sum of 599.99.