
电脑的超频就是通过人为的方式将CPU、显卡等硬件的工作频率提高,让它们在高于其额定的频率状态下稳定工作。以Intel P4C 2.4GHz的CPU为例,它的额定工作频率是2.4GHz,如果将工作频率提高到2.6GHz,系统仍然可以稳定运行,那这次超频就成功了。

  CPU超频的主要目的是为了提高CPU的工作频率,也就是CPU的主频。而CPU的主频又是外频和倍频的乘积。例如一块CPU的外频为100MHz,倍频为8.5,可以计算得到它的主频=外频×倍频=100MHz×8.5 = 850MHz。

  提升CPU的主频可以通过改变CPU的倍频或者外频来实现。但如果使用的是Intel CPU,你尽可以忽略倍频,因为IntelCPU使用了特殊的制造工艺来阻止修改倍频。AMD的CPU可以修改倍频,但修改倍频对CPU性能的提升不如外频好。




  比如一款配合赛扬1.7GHz使用的Intel 845D芯片组主板,它就采用了跳线超频的方式。在电感线圈的下面,我们可以看到跳线的说明表格,当跳线设定为1-2的方式时外频为100MHz,而改成2-3的方式时,外频就提升到了133MHz。而赛扬1.7GHz的默认外频就是100MHz,我们只要将外频提升为133MHz,原有的赛扬1.7GHz就会超频到2.2GHz上工作,是不是很简单呢:)。

另一块配合AMD CPU使用的VIA KT266芯片组主板,采用了DIP开关设定的方式来设定CPU的倍频。多数AMD的倍频都没有锁定,所以可以通过修改倍频来进行超频。这是一个五组的DIP开关,通过各序号开关的不同通断状态可以组合形成十几种模式。在DIP开关的右上方印有说明表,说明了DIP开关在不同的组合方式下所带来不同频率的改变。

例如我们对一块AMD 1800+进行超频,首先要知道,Athlon XP 1800+的主频等于133MHz外频×11.5倍频。我们只要将倍频提高到12.5,CPU主频就成为133MHz×12.5≈1.6GHz,相当于Athlon XP 2000+了。如果我们将倍频提高到13.5时,CPU主频成为1.8GHz,也就将Athlon XP 1800+超频成为了Athlon XP2200+,简单的操作换来了性能很大的提升,很有趣吧。


  例如升技(Abit)的SoftMenu III和磐正(EPOX)的PowerBIOS等都属于BIOS超频的方式,在CPU参数设定中就可以进行CPU的倍频、外频的设定。如果遇到超频后电脑无法正常启动的状况,只要关机并按住INS或HOME键,重新开机,电脑会自动恢复为CPU默认的工作状态,所以还是在BIOS中超频比较好。

  这里就以升技NF7主板和Athlon XP 1800+ CPU的组合方案来实现这次超频实战。目前市场上BIOS的品牌主要有两种,一种是PHOENIX-Award BIOS,另一种是AMI BIOS,这里以Award BIOS为例。

  首先启动电脑,按DEL键进入主板的BIOS设定界面。从BIOS中选择Soft Menu III Setup,这便是升技主板的SoftMenu超频功能。

进入该功能后,我们可以看到系统自动识别CPU为1800+。我们要在此处回车,将默认识别的型号改为User Define(手动设定)模式。设定为手动模式之后,原有灰色不可选的CPU外频和倍频现在就变成了可选的状态。

如果你需要使用提升外频来超频的话,就在External Clock:133MHz这里回车。这里有很多外频可供调节,你可以把它调到150MHz或更高的频率选项上。由于升高外频会使系统总线频率提高,影响其它设备工作的稳定性,因此一定要采用锁定PCI频率的办法。

Multiplier Factor一项便是调节CPU倍频的地方,回车后进入选项区,可以根据CPU的实际情况来选择倍频,例如12.5、13.5或更高的倍频。





  SoftFSB是一款比较通用的软件,它可以支持几十种时钟发生器。只要按主板上采用的时钟发生器型号进行选择后,点击GET FSB获得时钟发生器的控制权,之后就可以通过频率拉杆来进行超频的设定了,选定之后按下保存就可以让CPU按新设定的频率开始工作了。不过软件超频的缺点就是当你设定的频率让CPU无法承受的时候,在你点击保存的那一刹那导致死机或系统崩溃。


  大家知道提高CPU外频比提高CPU倍频性能提升快,如果是不锁倍频的CPU,高手们会采用提高外频降低倍频的方法来达到更好的效果,由此得出低倍频的CPU具备先天的优势。比如超频健将AMD Athlon XP1700+/1800+以及Intel Celeron 2.0GHz等。

  制作工艺越先进的CPU,在超频时越能达到更高的频率。比如Intel新推出就赢得广泛关注的Intel Celeron D处理器,采用90纳米的制造工艺,Prescott核心。已经有网友将一快2.53GHz的Celeron D超到了4.4GHz。


  一块可以良好支持超频的主板一般具有以下优点:(1)支持高外频。(2)拥有良好供电系统。如采用三相供电的主板或有CPU单路单项供电的主板。(3)有特殊保护的主板。如在CPU风扇停转时可以立即切断电源,部分主板把它称为“烧不死技术”。(4)BIOS中带有特殊超频设置的主板。(5) 做工优良,最好有6层PCB板。




  这里我们不需要下载任何工具,只要用Windows自带的小助手即可。首先打开命令提示符窗口,输入命令“tasklist /m BackDoorDll.dll”,效果如图2。

  这条命令意思是检测指定名字的文件被哪些进程所调用,从结果可以看出原来DLL病毒文件插入到了进程iexplore.exe中,此进程ID为3240,那我们现在关闭该进程,用命令“taskkill /f /PID 3240”,它的意思是强行终止ID号为3240的进程(图3)。当然,我们也可以用任务管理器结束该进程。


  最后再用tasklist /m BackDoorDll.dll命令复查一下,系统中已经没有BackDoorDll.dll文件的进程了。这样,我们就可以直接删除这个顽固的DLL文件了。

Laptop Computers

You would be very hard pressed to find someone who has never heard of a laptop. As you may already know a laptop is nothing more then a small, portable type of personal computer. They usually have the same capabilities as the larger desktop PC with a few minor differences. Power used to run one of the laptops is generally created by a rechargeable battery which is built into your laptop.

The initial concept dates back to the early 70s when Alan Kay proposed what was known as the Dynabook concept. This was a very early idea for the current laptop. Later this very concept was further developed by Xerox but the resultant computers were not available to the public at that time. The first commercially available laptop appeared in 1980. To those who may be able to think back that far, try and remember the portable machine know as the Osborne 1. This version of a laptop was distributed by the Osborne Computer Corporation and it was extremely heavy and bulky. It has a miniature 5 inch monitor built in which actually was based upon a television set.

After the Osborne appeared a number of companies entered the portable computer field including Compaq, Kaypro and Epson. It wasn’t until the 90’s that the battery powered laptop came into its own right. At the close of the 90’s technology had brought about many different improvements to the laptop computer.

A visit today to one of your local computer stores will reveal a vast selection of laptops with an assortment of looks, various hard drive options, diverse operating systems and different installed applications. You will quickly note that many of the major electronic equipment companies have their versions of the laptop readily available for purchase on the shelves as well. You will see names such as Sony, Dell, Toshiba, Apple, Compaq as well as some of the lesser known business names. The looks of the laptops can vary greatly in their size, the color selections, different screen sizes and various weights.

You are now able to select a laptop computer with numerous RAM capacities, hard drives that are of various speeds and sizes, CD/DVD drives, ready to run network capabilities, various sound quality or graphic capabilities. Each computer manufacturer has certain traits that make their machines desirable. As an example the Apple computer is known far and wide for their great abilities to create and edit images, videos and sounds while the Dell computers are known predominantly for their various customization options as well as their economical price.

Generally laptops will include all of the same capabilities as would be found within desktop computers. They usually are equipped with a standard operating system, various software programs and a graphics card. The major difference in the laptop is the mouse setup. The mouse on a laptop is built into the keyboard whereas the mouse on the normal PC is a separate entity. Generally, if you are averse to using the built in mouse the laptops come with a USB port where you can plug in a normal mouse for use.

Intel vs AMD

When asked what the major processors are in America today one would likely state either Intel or AMD. Both processor companies comprise nearly 90 plus percent of the current market in the United States today. It is the intention of this article to actually attempt to compare the popular Intel processors with those of AMD. Since Intel has continually provided the industry lead for a processor with very general first-class overall performance it stands to reason that AMDAMD on the other hand has continually demonstrated its intentions towards maintaining a very competitive price to performance ratio which could potentially bring them in a vast sum of the processor market. In order to accomplish this amazing take control feat the AMD processors will need to competitively beat each of Intel’s competitions during a technical showdown. will clearly has their job cut out for them.
Although Intel has in the past generously offered a few lower priced options such as Core 2 Duo E4300 or the Celeron processor most of their offerings are of the nominal price range. Their philosophy is generally to concentrate upon the speed and power other then price. In contrast the AMD lineup continues to offer their best selling array of capable Athlon 64 X2’s ranging from models 3600+ all the way to the models 6000+. In addition, as part of their marketing process, AMD has been known to often sell multiple products under one performance based model number. Some of the processors features may actually vary slightly according to the particular model. These variations could be in the area of the clock frequency, the cache size or the memory/socket type.

As in the past AMD will more then likely continue to traditionally provide a fairly direct response in relationship to both cost and performance for most of the Core 2 members range. Usually one will note that the most effected differences usually appear at the high end where one finds the Athlon 64’s performance starts to take its toll. Keep in mind that the Athlon 64 X2 6000+ usually you will discover that these units sell at a substantial discount as opposed to the Core 2 Duo E6700.

AMD has been known to provide an occasional “best deal” offer on a randomly selected processor which would normally sell for a considerable more costly price tag in an effort to slice a bit off of Intel’s healthy profit levels. This is likely an intentional management practice and represents a major facet of AMD’s modern marketing strategy. The practice as found tends to toss out the window any beneficial actions being performed if one was to try and do a price versus performance based comparison.

Video Graphics Array (VGA)

With VGA you see a change in the terminology from adapter to array. This was a result of the fact that VGA graphics started to come on the motherboard as a single chip and not as plug-in adapter boards that took up an expansion slot in the computer. While since replaced with other standards for general use, VGA’s 640×480 remains a sort of lowest common denominator for all graphics cards. Indeed, even the Windows splash screen logo comes in at 640×480 because it shows before the graphics drivers for higher resolution are loaded into the system.

VGA supports both graphics and text modes of operation and can be used to emulate most (but not all) of the EGA, CGA, and MDA modes of operation). The most common VGA graphics modes include:

640×480 in 16 colors. This is a planar mode with four bit planes. When speaking about VGA, this is the mode most often thought of and is often what is meant when some say “VGA.”
640×350 in 16 colors.
320×200 in 16 colors.
320×200 in 256 colors (Mode 13h). This is a packed-pixel mode.
The VGA specification dictated 256KB of video RAM, 16- and 256-color modes, a 262,144 color palette (six bits for each of red, green, and blue), a selectable master clock (25 MHz or 28 MHz), up to 720 horizontal pixels, up to 480 lines, hardware smooth scrolling, split screen support, soft fonts, and more.

Another VGA programming trick essentially created another graphics mode: Mode X. By manipulating the 256 KB video RAM four separate planes could be formed where each used 256 colors. Mode X transferred some of the video memory operations to the video hardware instead of keeping them with the CPU. This sped up the display for things like games and was most often seen in 320×240 pixel resolution as that produced square pixels in 4:3 aspect ratio. Mode X also allowed double buffering; a method of keeping multiple video pages in memory in order to quickly flip between them. All VGA 16-color modes supported double buffering; only Mode X could do it in 256 colors.

Many other programming tweaks to VGA could (and were) also performed. Some, however, caused monitor display problems such as flickering, roll, and other abnormalities so they were not used commercially. Commercial software typically used “safe” VGA modes.

Video memory typically mapped into real mode memory in a PC in the memory spaces…

B0000h (used for monochrome text mode)
B8000h (used for color text and CGA graphics modes)
A0000h (used for EGA/VGA graphics modes)
Note that by using the different memory areas it is possible to have two different monitors attached and running in a single computer. Early on, Lotus 1-2-3 took advantage of this by having the ability to display “high resolution” text on an MDA display along with color (low-resolution) graphics showing an associated graph of some part of the spreadsheet. Other such uses included coding on one screen with debugging information on another and similar applications.