Get Cisco Used-Equipment at a Great Cost, Or Sell Yours

Cisco Systems has been known to be synonymous with a quality that is higher than other networking hardware so much that other businesses have incorporated this hardware into their network. The Cisco brand features a lengthy product lifetime and is a great investment as it can be sold again as a means to reimburse a part of the initial cost. The Cisco brand offers many types of hardware, the most popular would be the Cisco memory and Cisco cables.

Companies have many reasons surrounding why they discard of similar hardware so regularly. Redundant equipment no longer functions as it should, making its salvaged or recycled raw materials equivalent to small sums of cash. Many companies are however opting to either upgrade or downsize the business and in this case, the hardware they sell is still functioning quite well even if it isn’t needed as an important aspect of the network.

Cisco Systems has been known to be synonymous with a quality that is higher than other networking hardware so much that other businesses have incorporated this hardware into their network. The Cisco brand features a lengthy product lifetime and is a great investment as it can be sold again as a means to reimburse a part of the initial cost. The Cisco brand offers many types of hardware, the most popular would be the Cisco memory and Cisco cables.

Companies have many reasons surrounding why they discard of similar hardware so regularly. Redundant equipment no longer functions as it should, making its salvaged or recycled raw materials equivalent to small sums of cash. Many companies are however opting to either upgrade or downsize the business and in this case, the hardware they sell is still functioning quite well even if it isn’t needed as an important aspect of the network.

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Cisco Plan Green Data Centers ?

Cisco is no stranger to the green IT scene. It has publicly announced its smart grid intentions and, for years, has touted the carbon-cutting benefits of its teleconferencing technologies. But when it comes to data centers, Cisco has been outgunned by its rivals.

While IBM mounted huge campaigns like Big Green and Smarter Planet, the computer networking giant has kept a comparatively low eco-profile. So far, Cisco’s green efforts boil down to dabbling in energy management, moving into the smart grid, cutting the energy consumption of its network hardware and reducing packaging — an odd state of affairs considering the company’s position as a prime supplier of data center–focused IT equipment.

But in recent weeks, Cisco has been demonstrating that it does indeed have a green data center strategy, even if it isn’t shouting it from the rooftops. This week’s roll out of EnergyWise 2.0 — an upgraded version of its network energy management tool — expanded its reach into a network’s nooks and crannies and opened up the platform to developers to help lay the groundwork for energy-aware networks. The company is also making a play for the containerized data-center market, centered around fast and efficient Lego-style data center builds.

Used Cisco Hardware

Knowledge Computers is a company that is dedicated to serving the clients by providing them with modern networking solutions at affordable prices. We provide high quality new and used cisco certified network equipment that enables our clients to organize their business environment and establish high quality networks within their organization’s infrastructure at affordable costs. Knowledge Computers offers high quality firewall support to implement high security network systems to safeguard the private servers of the company with as much ease as possible.

Cisco network hardware is perhaps the most popular and reliable networking hardware available in the market. Every entrepreneur tries to minimize his cost of running his company and also get the maximum benefits out of all his investments. However, Cisco hardware is very expensive and buying new networking equipment will surely raise the cost of initial setup of the organization’s network.

used cisco network equipment can help an entrepreneur achieve his objective of cost minimization and profit maximization by reducing the cost of setting up a network at the company while providing the high level functionality. Knowledge Computers also provides memory solutions for massive data storage which is often a requirement of many organizations especially those who need to establish a massive knowledge base.


苹果公布27英寸LED Cinema Display与新Mac Pro

苹果今日公布了LED Cinema Display显示器的27英寸版本,此外还更新了一个Mac Pro工作站。
新的27寸显示器是24英寸LED型号后的第二款产品,采用低功耗的LED背光屏构建,开发代号“K59”,分辨率2560×1440,整体运行参数类似于27英寸iMac的显示器数据,此外Mac Pro也有更新,最高配版本采用英特尔最新的Westmere核心,带来了12核技术,低配版本也有32纳米制程,12MB L3缓存的6核心CPU,2.66, 2.8, 2.93,3.33GHz的版本。

谷歌搜索今晨退出中国内地 国新办表态


新华网北京3月23日电 国务院新闻办公室网络局负责人今天凌晨就谷歌公司宣布停止按照中国法律规定的对有害信息过滤,将搜索服务由中国内地转至香港发表谈话。



