Cisco Works Security Information Management Solution (CW-SIMS)

The Cisco Works Security Information Management Solution (CW-SIMS) in the centralized repository that all Cisco devices use for security logging and other information. According to Cisco, this application “integrates, correlates, and analyzes security event data from the enterprise network to improve visibility and provide actionable intelligence for strengthening an organization’s security.”

With so many security devices in your network, one application has to try to correlate all the logs and security information that is generated. According to Cisco, here are the features that the CW-SIMS offers:

Comprehensive Correlation: Statistical, rules-based, and vulnerability correlation of events as they happen, in real time, across all integrated Cisco network devices.
Threat Visualization: See a visual status and generate reports of all the security events as they happen across your network.
Incident Resolution Management: SIMs integrates with common helpdesk packages to track security events until resolution.
Integrated Knowledge Base: SIMS can be a source of knowledge about security issues and how they are resolved.
Real-Time Notification: SIMS can notify security admins, in real time, when events occur.