How to unblock Iphone in simple steps

iPhone used by many people in this world. He has to use many functions, but there is a problem we have to take as a network with this statement. It is a network service provider locked. When you leave your city, then the roaming charges are very high compared to local prices. Everyone wants to enjoy local rates, so they release their iPhone software, with or without him. If the unlocked iPhone, you can use other operators and functions such as downloading software, games and music at reasonable local rates.

There are some simple steps to Unlock iPhone easily and safely. You must first install the latest firmware if your iPhone has not been updated recently. If you update the firmware, you must install Cydia or Installer. After installing Cydia to the PC and no syncing in iTunes. They should be green V on the screen to wait. He must attend all four cases to check on the screen, because if we do not, your iPhone will not unlock check. Now follow the instructions on the screen to activate iPhone in DFU mode. After some time the icon started to appear on the screen, you can then with the mobile phone network to connect to others.

You can use the iPhone unlocking software. For this you must use the jailbreak. It will change the code of the iPhone to get another service provider. You can download this software over the Internet and software. You must be careful of pirate sites. You can get easily attracted to these sites, which will surprise you when you download something, and some viruses or a tool through which they can use your iPhone. There are many known sites that sell this software and offers many entertainment features such as television, music and movies. You can download it all by paying very less.

The greatest smartphone in 2009

Nokia N900

We begin by taking the best smartphone in the portfolio Finnish manufacturer Nokia. His latest smartphone is the first of a new race, it is the first phone in the history of open-source Maemo OS used (previously used only in Nokia Internet Tablet range). Say hello to the Nokia N900. The operating system provides the Nokia N900 Maemo a friendly touch user interface, and how the phone includes a QWERTY keyboard, have to say it has more methods of interaction with the cell phone, not only touchscreen. It’s not just the UI, though, as the Nokia N900 is bursting full of premium features. A 5-megapixel camera, you can make beautiful photos, amazing media player, and with HSDPA and GPS, the Nokia N900 is certainly no shortage of connectivity options.

Palm Pre

On the other hand, if you talk about user interfaces, telephone poles and two other phones in this paper, hands down: the revolutionary Palm Pre. This is simply because the Palm on its own Pre complete operating system known WebOS that probably the most elegant, intuitive operating system that is designed never done. And the gesture controls intuitive and finger scans for each interaction on the phone, the Palm Pre, a tight integration between different applications. Make a movie ticket with an application, and the Palm Pre immediately updated to display the calendar at a time. Multitask loads of different applications astonished, and as you scream Palm Pre along effortlessly and without delay observed. Worldwide familiar interfaces, essentially, the Palm can not be exceeded before!


Thus, we have the Nokia N900 Maemo this OS, and then there’s the Palm Pre, WebOS functions. And then you have the HD2 HTC, holds the record for the largest screen seen on mobile. Entering a large 4.3 inch, it is truly gigantic, and WVGA, 800 × 480 resolution, it is really easy for things like scrollbars and pulldown menus to use. But the HTC HD2 do an outstanding job, if you do not need to navigate through Windows menus often normal, as is the top level of the OS interface, HTC’s patented Sense IU, what are you all throughout the different steals Finger and sweeping motions. It is incredibly easy to use, and (with 1GHz Snapdragon processor actually very impressive) makes the HTC HD2 such a joy to use. Of course, not everyone needs raw processing power, a phone to have decent features and HTC HD2, it has in abundance, the 5 megapixel camera with GPS, the incredible access HSDPA speed Internet (not to mention beautiful Opera Mobile Web Browser), which explains why many people consider the best phone ever.

微软发布Windows Phone 7

微软公司首席执行官史蒂夫-鲍尔默今日在全球移动通信大展上发布了公司最新一代手机操作系统,Windows Phone 7。

微软称,公司将通过最新一代手机操作系统Windows Phone 7,将旗下Xbox LIVE游戏、Zune音乐与独特的视频体验整合至手机中。

微软首席执行官史蒂夫-鲍尔默在发布会上说,“今天,我荣幸的向各位介绍Windows Phone 7系列手机操作系统。在市场充斥着相同功能及体验产品的今天,我激励团队要拿出一个可以带来全新移动体验的解决方案。”

鲍尔默说到,“手机的发展要求产品真正契合用户生活脚步、满足社交需求并提供各种无缝体验。Windows Phone 7系列手机操作系统的发布,是这一历程的转折点。

在现场体验可以发现,微软Windows Phone 7的界面外观比今天大多数手机系统要简洁。黑色背景下的亮蓝色图标显得十分醒目。其中一版的开机屏幕拥有四个大尺寸的方形图标,分别代表手机、联系人、电子邮件和短信功能。微软将这种设置称之为“Live Tiles(活动瓷片)”

此界面下方是到相册与Xbox Live游戏的入口。微软在新系统中再次强调了手机社交功能的重要性,用户可以通过手机上的联系人名单、相册直接对Facebook或Windows LIve上的个人社交主页进行更新,同时也可以查看好友在社交网站上的页面或照片。


包括运营商AT&T、德国电信、Orange及制造商戴尔、惠普、LG、三星在内的十余家公司均表示,会推出搭载Windows Phone 7手机操作系统的产品。