CEO of S’pore’s NBN network company quits

SINGAPORE – OpenNet, the network company (NETCO) the mission of providing passive fiber optic infrastructure for the next generation of Singapore’s National Broadband Network (NBN) announced today that its CEO resigned.

The statement that the company is the media on Tuesday, the possession of Tan Kah Rhu as first CEO November 2010 not more than the fact that “the [s] other interests.”

The 58-year-old is a veteran of telecommunications, which had been the use of fiber during his time in Singapore Telecommunications (SingTel) made it. Playing in his experience, Tan OpenNet appointed in early 2009 to spearhead the introduction of passive infrastructure nationwide fiber optic cable NBN Singapore.

The cable is expected in 60 percent of schools, households and non-residential buildings will be installed in late 2010 and NETCO is on track to achieve its goal of reaching 95 percent in 2012.

Khoo Chin Hean as of the OpenNet will join as CEO on 1 October will be ordered removed. His recent appointment as Managing Director of the Institute for Energy Studies, National University of Singapore.

One former official was, Khoo Managing Director of the Public Utilities Board (PUB) from 2000 to 2008. During this time, was responsible for restructuring the electricity and gas for the competition. Then he lowered PUB, Khoo continued to serve on the boards of various organizations in the government and the private sector.

News of the resignation of Tan comes from the hand of the lighting infrastructure of the NBN.

Nucleus Connect, NBN Operating Company (OPCO) announced in late August that started its business activities while lined up five suppliers of retail services (DER) to ultra-high-speed DSL broadband access for businesses and consumers worldwide. The Opco is responsible for the design and construction of infrastructure facilities, the act of service as a wholesaler of network bandwidth to the PSR.

RSP, who signed with the Opco are SingTel, StarHub, M1, and Telecom super internet LGA. Among them are the first four operators already announced their price plans NBN, while LGA said that reveal their packets next month.

Operators in emerging markets feel network pressure

Operators in emerging markets to expand mobile networks to increase road safety of smartphones and mobile broadband handle, but one industry observer says, they should relook their business strategies to stay current.

Arun Bansal, head of Ericsson South East Asia and Pacific said, ZDNet Asia that the region has seen an influx of smartphones and the growth of mobile data and extend the operator its wireless networks in terms of coverage and capacity.

In another interview, said David Chambers, Amdocs Product Marketing Manager, that the growth of mobile broadband is a burden for network operators.

But despite the rush to increase their 3G infrastructure, Chambers said it is not technically possible for operators to increase capacity fast enough to build to the expected demand.

He noted that these service providers looking for their place in the Wi-Fi or femtocells to help unload the data traffic with the aim of China Mobile plans to deploy WiFi hotspots 1 million as an example.

Customer experience a distinguishing feature
According to Chambers, the customer experience is an important role in promoting the competitiveness of operators will play. He explained that the operators already on the sale of the latest smartphones on the market because the selection was focused on consumers of mobile operators, “90 percent depending on the device and 10 percent of networks”, said.

This scenario will change, Chambers said, because users can always choose their operators on the basis of the quality of their networks. “When the power of right, [the phone] is less useful,” he said.

He urged the operators to provide tiered data plans instead of unlimited data plans, because you must ensure that their networks, the loads that can not be determined to do justice. Contrary to belief, the consumer, the unlimited data plans to be better, he said customers appreciate the accusations, the “directly related to what they think they have to pay”, instead of paying a higher premium for an unlimited data plans.

Instead of a general settlement system operators also have opportunities for clients in real time, as are many data to you in view, he said, noting that covers the operator traffic data customers when the limits of data to achieve rather than abruptly.

Video next rising network force

BALI – Video is the fastest growing application on the contents of the network, with an increase of 90 percent, surpassing the demand for applications in the cloud, according to a managing director of Blue Coat Systems.

This exponential growth of video content is to make the bandwidth congestion, therefore reducing or reduce the effectiveness of business-critical systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), said Mark Urban, senior director of product marketing.

In an interview with ZDNet Asia in the context of the Conference of Blue Coat partners in Asia-Pacific on Thursday, said Urban companies today for ways to maintain secure networks while reducing the bandwidth and makes innovation in the IT space.

The companies are concerned that the external factors that disrupt the delivery of business applications, he said. Is therefore from the perspective of network performance, said it was “dangerous” if a higher bandwidth for content business is not making a slowing of the network.

Urban said: “From forth a budget, we are talking about the loss of real money.”

To increase the video traffic, companies can deploy WAN (Wide Area Network) optimization tools that enable the caching and prepositioning Flow Division of the videos, he said, pointing to the delivery of Blue Coat product. Security vendors believe that these features may allow companies to free bandwidth to meet the basic needs.

Business benefits of video, too
Urban said the video traffic is not necessarily the content is not only essential business processes, such as YouTube clips. Companies these days also looking for videos, for example, to improve communication between management and employees.

“It also allows you to [Services], to be innovative and do things such as video training. So, instead of employees to physical classes [a place] that now reach around the world and offer training in the shortest time same period, “he said.

Blue Coat CEO Michael Borman also showed that the business software maker SAP, Blue Shield of technology to training videos for your sales force display to use.

“The videos are all there and cached on the server so that employees can access from around the world on it, while reducing the pressure on the bandwidth requirements of SAP,” said Borman.

He likened the service to the Akamai server technology, which stores and distributes content and applications on a local server. “We are like a private Akamai – which can push and pull video content company,” he said.

He said the media company, Thomson Reuters, Blue Shield is also dedicated to give their push and pull of video services.

If on the security threats that may arise from video content has been increasing demand, said Urban cyber-attack with a tactic of using popular video player upgrade. If you click the innocent victims, on the appropriate link, viruses can be downloaded to their computers, he said.

“Not that the virus integrated into the video, but the process [to be a malware infection],” said Urban.

E-mail floats amid social comms wave

Analysts agree that the communications companies are now increasingly socially motivated, such as the use of instant messaging (IM) and social networking, but also note that email remains a staple, if not the top, the type of communication in organizations.

There is “growing interest” in “social technologies” is used as a form of communication between companies, including social media, instant messaging, Web conferencing and video conferencing, said John Brand, vice president of Forrester Research principal analyst CIO group.

“Communication has always been social business,” he said in an interview via e-mail with ZDNet Asia. Outside the organization, companies are always “conduct conversations with customers” who would be in the present context, through social media like Twitter and Facebook.

However, “social [that] applies to” communications internal organizations as well, said Mark, when he try on the development of digitally-enabled social activities within the company and the way most businesses, their own “Facebook for the enterprise “. “Employees contribute richer directory with the ability of users, [and share] their own content” is about the creation of, be it through social networking tools, blogs and wikis, he said.

Social communication within the company has the ability to democratize decision-making and increase transparency and accountability, ‘said Mark.

Sherrie Huang, research manager of communication and collaboration, IDC Asia-Pacific agreed that the Company is a growing trend in business communications, both internally and externally. The social networking companies and more companies are using social media as still as a tool to communicate with external partners is accepted, said via e-mail.

E-mail is not dead
Although communications company can be more social, e-mail about replacing or have doubled, and in fact remains essential and most widespread form of communication, analysts observed.

E-mail, Huang said, is “a fundamental communication tool and necessary” for businesses. Although the use of e-mail to “slow down” to see growth in the markets, where communications and new media attack remains “strong growth” in emerging markets like Southeast Asia, he said.

According to Huang, is the protocol for the e-mail and Internet (IP) communications tools such as “the most common and necessary” for most companies, but also the fundamentals that are most other major Unified Communications (UC) on a function or integrated .

Even if companies are to take other means of communication “rather than replace them free use of” e-mail, he said.

Mark Forrester argues similarly that, in addition to telephone, e-mail to the “most popular” of communication is, and not “definitely [not] the mass migration” of e-mail as a tool for general communication.

He said that instant messaging, Web conferencing, blogs, wikis and other social technologies have an impact on the development of e-mail as “something completely different,” always expands and integrates with other systems in a way that the lines makes between the two “very vague” and “difficult to distinguish.” For example, e-mail as a platform for notification of updates to the media, the implementation will be used.

Unified Communications Unified Communications and Policy
On the question of absorption of the company’s Unified Communications (UC), Huang said IDC fixes and new features integrated into the University of California have the technology “mature” and “attractive” to a greater number of companies. Companies are now trying the “real value of UC,” and to provide unified communications offerings to improve productivity, better serve customers and reduce costs, he said.

Mark also noted that to “develop” as more companies use UC converged communications, although usually of a personal computer (PC), laptop or tablet goes on – “generic” technology platforms in UC as a specific hardware device manufacturers.

If the communication relates to social online conversations or meeting face to face, ultimately, “what we are experiencing now, a time where people do and may your communication tool of choice, [which] is subject to change, depending on what they are communicating, “said Mark.

Part of the reason is also due to the influx of younger workers from Generation Y population, who prefer the use of “asynchronous channels,” he said. He also warned that enterprise communications increasingly incorporating social elements, organizations must also be aware that there are also social “significant” threat to security in the form of data leakage, for example.

Therefore, it is “trained to communicate in the right way” of crucial importance for organizations to ensure that all employees through an electronic means of e-mail to social networks, and communication policy of the company and the expectations are clearly defined and the employees , Brand said known.

The challenge of the code of acceptable behavior, but finding the “golden mean” or in the center is firm, that allows employees to use “electronic tools to improve communication, but do not drown in bureaucracy management, how they actually use the Tools “or block with the same tools to access rights and privileges, he said.

Huang, IDC recommends that companies a “robust” and a unified corporate communications that define all the important communication – IP telephony and e-mail to instant messaging.

The organization “to understand clearly what they want to” be and the kind of business requirements, the required level of security and consider the needs of employees, he said.