Cisco plans home TelePresence product

Cisco will soon test a version of his original TelePresence videoconferencing product, the company announced Wednesday by the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

Cisco, the largest supplier in the world of networking equipment, has been selling videoconferencing equipment for large companies in recent years.

Now, the target consumers with a similar offer video conference experience at home. The telepresence system, the existing Internet connections to consumers of high-definition television and broadband.

Cisco breaks up with HP

HP, Cisco fell as a network of certified partners, and Global Service Alliance partners, and intends to compete with the company for future business.

In a YouTube video released Thursday, said Cisco’s Worldwide Partner Organization chief, Keith Goodwin, the company’s partnership with HP has “developed” by the partnership to “companies with different and conflicting visions of how to provide value for our customers.

Both companies have long-term partnerships in the switch server and unified communications and technology had, but Cisco has seen the shift in servers in 2009, a growing rivalry between firms in the data center.

HP, Cisco fell as a network of certified partners, and Global Service Alliance partners, and intends to compete with the company for future business.

In a YouTube video released Thursday, said Cisco’s Worldwide Partner Organization chief, Keith Goodwin, the company’s partnership with HP has “developed” by the partnership to “companies with different and conflicting visions of how to provide value for our customers.

Both companies have long-term partnerships in the switch server and unified communications and technology had, but Cisco has seen the shift in servers in 2009, a growing rivalry between firms in the data center.

Goodwin said that Cisco had to align with partners that they “share a network-centric vision,” adding that it “suitable” for the benefits of HP partnership, such as access to guides and product profitability initiatives our partners.

“We recently announced HP that we will extend the contract system integrator if it ends April 30, 2010,” said Goodwin. “We will compete with HP for its future activities.”

Goodwin said that Cisco will provide, in discussions with HP on a new agreement on business continuity for existing customers, and would be “contracts of service to HP customers to honor its duration.

In a statement released Friday, HP said: “History has shown that customers require, and the two co-opetition and collaboration between vendors.

“The most important players are competing in a lot and partners in other, better meet the needs of our customers,” read the statement. “We do not believe it takes in the best interest of the client in a position of intellectual property.”

HP said it would guarantee customers consulting, integration, management and support services for their heterogeneous environments and to ensure that hardware and software platforms for all major network platforms are optimized.


电脑的超频就是通过人为的方式将CPU、显卡等硬件的工作频率提高,让它们在高于其额定的频率状态下稳定工作。以Intel P4C 2.4GHz的CPU为例,它的额定工作频率是2.4GHz,如果将工作频率提高到2.6GHz,系统仍然可以稳定运行,那这次超频就成功了。

  CPU超频的主要目的是为了提高CPU的工作频率,也就是CPU的主频。而CPU的主频又是外频和倍频的乘积。例如一块CPU的外频为100MHz,倍频为8.5,可以计算得到它的主频=外频×倍频=100MHz×8.5 = 850MHz。

  提升CPU的主频可以通过改变CPU的倍频或者外频来实现。但如果使用的是Intel CPU,你尽可以忽略倍频,因为IntelCPU使用了特殊的制造工艺来阻止修改倍频。AMD的CPU可以修改倍频,但修改倍频对CPU性能的提升不如外频好。




  比如一款配合赛扬1.7GHz使用的Intel 845D芯片组主板,它就采用了跳线超频的方式。在电感线圈的下面,我们可以看到跳线的说明表格,当跳线设定为1-2的方式时外频为100MHz,而改成2-3的方式时,外频就提升到了133MHz。而赛扬1.7GHz的默认外频就是100MHz,我们只要将外频提升为133MHz,原有的赛扬1.7GHz就会超频到2.2GHz上工作,是不是很简单呢:)。

另一块配合AMD CPU使用的VIA KT266芯片组主板,采用了DIP开关设定的方式来设定CPU的倍频。多数AMD的倍频都没有锁定,所以可以通过修改倍频来进行超频。这是一个五组的DIP开关,通过各序号开关的不同通断状态可以组合形成十几种模式。在DIP开关的右上方印有说明表,说明了DIP开关在不同的组合方式下所带来不同频率的改变。

例如我们对一块AMD 1800+进行超频,首先要知道,Athlon XP 1800+的主频等于133MHz外频×11.5倍频。我们只要将倍频提高到12.5,CPU主频就成为133MHz×12.5≈1.6GHz,相当于Athlon XP 2000+了。如果我们将倍频提高到13.5时,CPU主频成为1.8GHz,也就将Athlon XP 1800+超频成为了Athlon XP2200+,简单的操作换来了性能很大的提升,很有趣吧。


  例如升技(Abit)的SoftMenu III和磐正(EPOX)的PowerBIOS等都属于BIOS超频的方式,在CPU参数设定中就可以进行CPU的倍频、外频的设定。如果遇到超频后电脑无法正常启动的状况,只要关机并按住INS或HOME键,重新开机,电脑会自动恢复为CPU默认的工作状态,所以还是在BIOS中超频比较好。

  这里就以升技NF7主板和Athlon XP 1800+ CPU的组合方案来实现这次超频实战。目前市场上BIOS的品牌主要有两种,一种是PHOENIX-Award BIOS,另一种是AMI BIOS,这里以Award BIOS为例。

  首先启动电脑,按DEL键进入主板的BIOS设定界面。从BIOS中选择Soft Menu III Setup,这便是升技主板的SoftMenu超频功能。

进入该功能后,我们可以看到系统自动识别CPU为1800+。我们要在此处回车,将默认识别的型号改为User Define(手动设定)模式。设定为手动模式之后,原有灰色不可选的CPU外频和倍频现在就变成了可选的状态。

如果你需要使用提升外频来超频的话,就在External Clock:133MHz这里回车。这里有很多外频可供调节,你可以把它调到150MHz或更高的频率选项上。由于升高外频会使系统总线频率提高,影响其它设备工作的稳定性,因此一定要采用锁定PCI频率的办法。

Multiplier Factor一项便是调节CPU倍频的地方,回车后进入选项区,可以根据CPU的实际情况来选择倍频,例如12.5、13.5或更高的倍频。





  SoftFSB是一款比较通用的软件,它可以支持几十种时钟发生器。只要按主板上采用的时钟发生器型号进行选择后,点击GET FSB获得时钟发生器的控制权,之后就可以通过频率拉杆来进行超频的设定了,选定之后按下保存就可以让CPU按新设定的频率开始工作了。不过软件超频的缺点就是当你设定的频率让CPU无法承受的时候,在你点击保存的那一刹那导致死机或系统崩溃。


  大家知道提高CPU外频比提高CPU倍频性能提升快,如果是不锁倍频的CPU,高手们会采用提高外频降低倍频的方法来达到更好的效果,由此得出低倍频的CPU具备先天的优势。比如超频健将AMD Athlon XP1700+/1800+以及Intel Celeron 2.0GHz等。

  制作工艺越先进的CPU,在超频时越能达到更高的频率。比如Intel新推出就赢得广泛关注的Intel Celeron D处理器,采用90纳米的制造工艺,Prescott核心。已经有网友将一快2.53GHz的Celeron D超到了4.4GHz。


  一块可以良好支持超频的主板一般具有以下优点:(1)支持高外频。(2)拥有良好供电系统。如采用三相供电的主板或有CPU单路单项供电的主板。(3)有特殊保护的主板。如在CPU风扇停转时可以立即切断电源,部分主板把它称为“烧不死技术”。(4)BIOS中带有特殊超频设置的主板。(5) 做工优良,最好有6层PCB板。




  这里我们不需要下载任何工具,只要用Windows自带的小助手即可。首先打开命令提示符窗口,输入命令“tasklist /m BackDoorDll.dll”,效果如图2。

  这条命令意思是检测指定名字的文件被哪些进程所调用,从结果可以看出原来DLL病毒文件插入到了进程iexplore.exe中,此进程ID为3240,那我们现在关闭该进程,用命令“taskkill /f /PID 3240”,它的意思是强行终止ID号为3240的进程(图3)。当然,我们也可以用任务管理器结束该进程。


  最后再用tasklist /m BackDoorDll.dll命令复查一下,系统中已经没有BackDoorDll.dll文件的进程了。这样,我们就可以直接删除这个顽固的DLL文件了。

Cisco shows off Internet super-router

Hyped as the router that would ‘change forever the face of the Internet’, Cisco has launched its new CRS-3 system as the box it predicts will stream video into the Net’s darkest recesses.

To the casual eye, it looks like another cabinet full of flashing lights of the sort used by Internet carriers the world over, but to Cisco the CRS-3 (carrier routing system 3) is a pile of statistics. Capable of shifting up to 322Tbit/s, it has triple the capacity of its predecessor, the CRS-1, and is contentiously said to have ‘twelve times’ the capacity of its nearest competing system.

Powered by Cisco’s packet-shifting QuantumFlow Array processor, Cisco sees it as the first step on the road to the forthcoming ‘zettabyte era’ (four orders of magnitude up from today’s gigabit/gigabyte world), which enables “the entire printed collection of the Library of Congress to be downloaded in just over one second; every man, woman and child in China to make a video call, simultaneously; and every motion picture ever created to be streamed in less than four minutes,” read the official release.

Why Cisco is choosing to tell the world about a chunk of Internet infrastructure most people are barely even aware exists is an interesting question in itself. It has more direct competition than it did during the infrastructure boom of the 1990s – the one that took the backbone architecture from megabits per second to gigabits per second and now on towards terabits per second – from companies such as Juniper, Alcatel-Lucent, and Huawei.

According to a recent Dell O’ro Group, during 2009 it lost market share in a number of market sectors, and its share of the core routing market into which the CRS-3 is pitched showed modest declines. Mostly this is driven by price. Cisco is still seen as the expensive option in some quarters.

But even in world of tough competition, the need for ever higher capacities remains, driven overwhelmingly by latency-sensitive applications such as video, which have started eating into the Internet’s core capacity.

Cisco said the CRS-3 has been in field trials with AT&T for some time, including the showcase 100 Gigabit per second fibre network between New Orleans and Miami.

“We are entering the next stage of global communication and entertainment services and applications, which requires a new set of advanced Internet networking technologies,” said AT&T Labs’ CEO, Keith Cambron. “AT&T’s network handled 40 percent more traffic in 2009 than it did in the previous year, and we continue to see this growth in 2010.”

The starting price for the CRS-3 is $90,000 (£60,000).