HP ALM does the Kanban

In response to the needs of the “agile” programming pendant Hewlett-Packard has its Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) suite for the application development manager strengthened an emerging development methodology called kanban use.

“Kanban is basically just keep on sticky notes. We can actually do in the GUI,” said Kelly Emo, the team of product marketing for HP ALM heads. “In the ALM, you see the yellow sticky and click on it and all information – history of user errors in the code – is exposed for you.”

The interface Kanban is one of several enhancements to its ALM suite, HP has released on Tuesday, all in favor of speeding up the development time of applications. Thank you, Google and Facebook, “Enterprise users do not have to wait, expect six or nine months for new features,” said Emo.

First developed by David Anderson, Kanban approach focuses on smaller, incremental changes and the visualization of workflow processes. A growing number of development teams can be found Kanban work well in an environment of agile programming. HP has noted, “an absorption in the agile method that organizations [try] to provide capabilities much faster than before,” said Emo.

HP has an interface in their accelerator HP Kanban Agile ALM integrated add-on, so its interface is more like a kanban process, said Emo. ALM is a software for HP shepherd new software throughout the development cycle, including requirements management, testing and performance management developer.

This feature allows developers to create a virtual team of geographically distributed participants. “You can have an agile virtual meetings to tie together with ALM,” said Emo.

In addition to updating Agile Accelerator HP has issued other embellishments for ALM. HP is a virtualization service, a new offering that managers can simulate the testing of new composite applications in a cloud environment. “There is a rapid proliferation of composite applications. This style creates unique challenges in dealing with applications for IT,” said Emo.

Another reason is an update of the application lifecycle Intelligence (ILA), which allow developers to comment on the code changes it wants, it may request further information for managers interested in the progress in software development. Organizations are able to better track how the software requirements and compliance requirements and how to align it in the exam and how many errors are corrected, said Emo.

The software can import data from one of a number of tools for managing code, such as Subversion, Hudson, Jenkins, and Microsoft Visual Studio. “Ali, a framework for the integration and mapping capabilities and relationships, the company offers exactly what happens, you can see [in] the development environment,” said Emo.

HP is not alone in implementing the kanban. Rally ALM software provider and a Kanban Board as a collaboration tool AgileZen.