Pass4sure Cisco 642-901 3.14 version Update

Which of the following methods will allow you to roll back a hotfix that has been installed on 500 workstations running Windows XP Professional that are located in three domains of a single Windows Server 2003 functional level forest? 642-825 3.13 70-652 2.83 70-291 2.83 350-001 6.83

Write a script that calls the spuninst.exe utility from the particular service pack uninstall directory located under the %systemroot% directory of each workstation running Windows XP. Assign this script to run during startup on each system.

Place the hotfix on an accessible network share in each domain. Write a script that calls the hotfix on the network share with the /uninstall and /quiet switches. Assign this script to run during startup on each system.

Revoke the publication of the hotfix.exe in the Active Directory software deployment for the OU hosting all 500 computers running Windows XP.

Write a script that manually deletes all files and folders that the hotfix updated. Restore these from a pre-hotfix backup. 70-290 2.83 70-290 2.83 70-640 2.81 VCP-310 3.14

Use the driver rollback facility of Windows XP to roll back to the pre-hotfix system state.

Correct Answers: A and B

Correct When a hotfix is installed, a corresponding uninstallation directory is created off the %systemroot% directory. This directory is called $NtUninstallkbhotfixnumber$, where hotfixnumber is the KB hotfix number. KB can also be replaced by Q, which refers to a QFE (Quick Fix Engineering). Within this directory is an uninstallation directory that hosts a utility that will remove the hotfix if executed by a script.

Correct Hotfixes can be uninstalled by executing the hotfix by a script and using the /uninstall and /quiet switches.

Incorrect Hotfixes (unlike service packs) are not installed by using the software deployment options of Active Directory. Active Directory can be used to assign a script that will uninstall the hotfix.

Incorrect This would most likely break a lot of systems. It is also unlikely to work reliably. Finally, performing a software restore on each of 500 workstations running Windows XP would be somewhat tedious.

Incorrect The driver rollback facility cannot be used in this way. Hotfixes tend to have little to do with drivers. The driver rollback facility is used when a new driver creates problems on your computer, not when you want to uninstall a troublesome hotfix. 642-812 3.17 642-812 3.17 640-802 3.28 642-901 3.14

CCNA 640-801学习心得体会

我认为CCNA 640-801 的认证考试不难,毕竟这是Cisco大门的一个小门坎。所以对那些想考试的人来说不要怕它。它基本上以网络的基础概念和思科产品在网络应用方面的一些初步涉及。考试内容以ICND教程为中心来测试的。
  对我来说,发了一定时间来学习640-801 。我可以说说我的学习过程。首先要一个学习计划,这一点很重要。因为刚开始接触教程时,感觉要学习和掌握的知识太多了。并且只有下班后才有时间。计划每天要学习的内容。并做好笔记。对于那些难以理解的内容可以做上标记,以便下次再来研究。就这样先对 640-801 整个知识框架有一个全面的认识,考试所涉及的各个知识点。然后再计划一下自已的时间。根据自己所理解和考试所要求的各个知识点做重点研究。辟如OSI模型、IP地址、TCP/IP、IPX协议、路由协议。路由器、交换机工作原理及640-802应用等等。之后就报名参加培训,按老师的教学进度安排自己的学习计划。对整个学习知识点作全面系统的理解和掌握。这时可以学习到IOS CLI、路由器的配置、访问列表、广域连网和上面所提到的知识点的进一步掌握。

  另外在学习中要注意比较。如RIP在IP中每30S更新,而在IPX中是默认的路由协议,但是每60S更新,另外还有不可达和删除时间,还有和 IGRP、OSPF的对比。OSI七层模型的划分。相对来说,CCNA只要求掌握低层情况。640-811 特别是二、三层的协议(将TCP、IPX、OSI来对比) 640-822 和设备的使用(交换机和路由器)。距离向量和链路状态协议,路由选择和可路由协议的区别,广播域和冲突域,IP地址及子网掩码划分,访问列表,VLAN,帧中继、ISDN,PPP和HDLC等等640-816。

  基本上是这些情况,由于时间有限,可能有些地方没有说到,大家只作个参考。另外在考试过程中要有一个良好的心理素质,因为考场是在线测试 640-811 ,并且只准前进,不准后退,就像背水作战一样。我记得我在考到第十五题时是个实验题,发了我将进半小时的时间(不过,我当时真的想放弃它),这时就要有个平静的心态去面对,做个深呼吸(也可以哼个小曲,我记得我当时哼过!!)。直到最后,坚持就是胜利,顺利做完这道题。另外小心你的NEXT点击,因为这一击就是一去不返,640-821 所以要有足够的把握。