Google gets the attention of businesses at GITEX

Google Enterprise division has been holding a successful week at GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK, with the number of inquiries from potential customers than the company’s expectations.

Google says it has been flooded with CIO and other business figures trying to figure out what the seller can offer.

You feel the great interest of Google at GITEX was reduced to its culture of innovation. “There is a natural enthusiasm for innovation in the Middle East, and therefore, there is a natural enthusiasm for companies like Google,” says Abdel Wahed Bendaoua, Head of the Middle East represented in Google.

It also says that many companies who have visited the company knew it wanted to adopt cloud services, but were unsure how.

“Many people we’ve talked about wanting to go to the cloud, but just do not know how,” he says. “They’re asking companies like Google to do it. Customers really do not want to have to invest in IT – they want to be able to leverage an IT solution to enable their business objectives. It is crucial to understand that the more you move into the cloud, the longer they have to concentrate on their business. Also no longer have to worry about the management of IT infrastructure as well as having to deal with issues related to managing applications and combines it with business strategy, “he concludes.