Japan to launch smartphone-only TV broadcast channel

A television program on smartphones and tablets are visible with special tuners in Japan live in the next year, funded by one of the greatest broadcasters in the nation and mobile operators.

New stations nottv said Ceatec, the giant Japanese electronics show running this week that they use frequency bandwidth left when the land of their analog broadcasts completed early this year.

Because it will work as on-air stations, quality will not suffer an increase in the number of spectators and will be able to provide digital content such as games and newspapers, at the same time provide a mass audience.

“Television is currently sitting at home for viewing, all with a TV. We want more personal and interactive, “said Hiroaki Ban, one responsible for corporate strategy MMBI, the company that will operate nottv.

The company has shown demonstrations of the most important application, the live commentary via Twitter and Facebook as progress allows. He also found the time shift function in many set-top boxes viewing on request.

Ban said, programming is usually much shorter than traditional TV, sometimes around 10 minutes per show, because it is designed for mobile professionals to fill the hours of inactivity. He said the company expects much of its content are stored locally on smart phones and displayed on demand.

The station is currently awaiting final government approval to use public ether, but is expected to begin in April 2012. Smartphones need a special tuner to receive broadcasts, but NTT DoCoMo, provider of the nation’s largest wireless is a major investor and has a strong power over the domestic manufacturers of mobile phones.

Japan already has a digital broadcasting system for mobile devices is called oneseg. But it serves mainly as a duplication of existing channels simultaneously, with unique content and Small Nottv says he will be able to offer much better picture and sound quality.

In July, Japan officially ended as analogue TV, switch the entire country to digital broadcasting.

MMBI was founded to develop businesses throughout the freed frequencies. Its investors include all the major television networks in Japan, the advertising agency Dentsu massive, and NTT DoCoMo.